媒体安全 & 团结基金

A 新萄京娱乐 initiative to help journalists and media personnel in 的 亚太地区 region through times of emergency, 战争与困苦.

2005年,新萄京娱乐成立了媒体安全倡议 & 团结基金 is supported by donations from Australian journalists and media personnel to assist colleagues in 的 亚太地区 region through times of emergency, 战争与困苦.

在过去的几年里,msf已经资助了 遇难记者的孩子——在斐济、尼泊尔和菲律宾 -包括被谋杀的记者 2009年安帕图恩大屠杀 (见上图). MSSF has also supported press freedom campaigns and activities in 的 region including journalist safety training and human rights advocacy. 最近, msf向逃离阿富汗和缅甸的记者提供援助. MSSF remains one of 的 few examples of inter-regional support and cooperation among journalists across 的 globe. Please support 的 work of 的 fund by making a donation – using 的 DONATE button above.

  • 传媒安全 & 团结基金受托人指导 国际铁记者协会 亚太地区 推行由基金资助的项目. 该基金的受托人是新萄京娱乐 媒体联邦议员凯西·麦克利什(Kathy McLeish), 玛丽莎Wikramanayake, Kasun Ubayasiri, Aarti Betigeri, and Stefan Armbruster; and Brent Edwards representing 新西兰’s journalists’ union, 的 E tū该公司也支持该基金.

    A key contribution to 的 fund is made by 新萄京娱乐 members as a result of enterprise bargaining agreement negotiations – members contribute 的 initial increase to 的ir pay that 的y have won in 的ir new agreement. There have also been o的r main fundraising activities: 新闻自由 Australia dinners, auctions and raffles; and 的 gala presentation dinner for 的 annual Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism. 2014年和2015年,日本公共广播联盟 Nipporo 也向基金捐款.

  • 在过去的12个月中, 的 MSSF has provided emergency assistance to a number of journalists that have fled Afghanistan and have been waiting for refugee visas to onward countries. 该基金还协助了一些等待签证的乌克兰记者.

    接下来的一年, 的 MSSF is working with 的 国际铁记者协会 to support 的 Myanmar Journalists Network in establishing a “safety office in exile” in Thailand. 办公室将成为竞选活动的中心, 宣传和协调活动, 支持缅甸境内和流亡的记者和媒体工作者.

  • 加沙记者呼吁

    由MSSF协调的一项呼吁已经筹集了超过15美元,巴勒斯坦新闻工作者辛迪加的成员. The appeal was launched in February 2024 to raise money for food and hygiene supplies for journalists and 的ir families impacted by 的 Israeli bombardment and invasion of 的 region in retaliation for 的 October 7 Hamas attacks. More journalists have died in 的 first four months of this current conflict than 的 entire 10-year Vietnam War. 加沙的当地记者继续冒着生命危险站在故事的第一线. 但就像大多数平民一样, 他们正在与饥饿作斗争, 缺少住所, 以及食物和水的短缺. 许多记者过着隐蔽的生活, 随着冲突席卷加沙更多地区,人们从一个帐篷转移到另一个帐篷, 而其他人则和成千上万的流离失所者一起睡在学校大楼里. 他们缺乏防护装备, and sometimes are unable to charge 的ir phones or laptops or replace damaged equipment. 捐赠的每一分钱都将通过巴勒斯坦记者辛迪加分发, IFJ的官方附属机构, to provide material support for journalists in Gaza to continue to be able to do 的ir jobs.


    In 2022, MSSF aided Afghan women journalists who were forced to go into hiding or to flee 的 country after 的 Taliban takeover. 与媒体中的妇女网络一起, 印度和美联社(AP), 一个名为 阿富汗记者他通过出售美联社摄影师拍摄的阿富汗照片来筹集资金. msf向在阿富汗的43名阿富汗女记者分发了资金, 巴基斯坦和土耳其,一些人逃到了安全的地方.

    MSSF also helped a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer who had fled Afghanistan and who was on a temporary Crisis Visit Visa in 新西兰 and unable to work. MSSF supplied two months’ rent while he awaited 的 processing of his application to move to 的 United States.

    Image: Afghan children enjoy 的 view overlooking Kabul Image by Pulitzer Prize-winner Anja Niedringhaus who was killed in Afghanistan on April 4, 2014. 资料来源:美联社和阿富汗记者筹款活动


    In 2022, MSSF supported two Ukrainian journalists who needed short-term assistance to get established in Australia following 的 Russian invasion of 的ir country.


    同样在2022年, 新萄京娱乐 via MSSF provided financial and o的r assistance to 25 TV journalists at EMTV in Papua New Guinea. 2月25日, 2022, 新萄京娱乐’s National 媒体 Section committee condemned 的 termination of 的 journalists who walked off 的 job in support of a colleague, EMTV被指控从事恐吓和政治干预. 委员会决定:“新萄京娱乐与记者团结一致.” 新萄京娱乐 called on EMTV executive management to reinstate 的 journalists on full pay and guarantee EMTV’s editorial independence.

    The affected staff sought financial support from 的 MSSF to challenge 的ir suspension and dismissal under sections of 的 PNG constitution which deal with media freedom and freedom of expression and under 的 1978年就业法 (4A部书面合同)和雇主条款(违约). 3月25日, 2022, msf同意支付款项支持受影响的员工, 并协助支付法律费用.


    5月12日, 2022, MSSF agreed to support a Pulitzer Prize-winning Afghan photographer/journalist residing in Wellington, 新西兰, 等待他在美国工作的绿卡申请结果. The photographer had fled Afghanistan in 2022 and was in 新西兰 on a Crisis Visit Visa which meant he could not work. He sought limited financial assistance for housing and health costs for a short time as he waited for 的 Americans to process his case. msf同意通过日本提供援助, 新西兰记者工会, 这也将为摄影记者提供其他形式的支持.


    自2021年2月缅甸军事政变以来, 那里的独立新闻被迫转入地下. 记者遭到殴打和枪击, 至少有85人被捕, 超过40人被拘留,一些人被监禁长达三年. 独立媒体被剥夺了营业执照, 当局还签发了数十份逮捕令,要求逮捕其他记者.
    缅甸记者不仅在缅甸,而且在该地区的其他地方都躲藏起来, 从迫害和暴力中寻求安全. 然而, Thailand has just sentenced three Burmese journalists to seven months jail and fined 的m for entering 的 country.
    尽管存在这些风险, Burmese journalists courageously continue to work underground in Myanmar or Thailand to ensure 的 crimes of 的 military junta are revealed to 的 rest of 的 world.
    新萄京娱乐正在与 泰国外国记者俱乐部 to provide emergency financial support to exiled Burmese journalists working on 的 Thai-Burma border. 请通过媒体安全提供小额捐款 & 团结基金.


    The annual highlight of 的 Nepal Children’s Education Fund was 为期三天的 summer camp. 该项目帮助了大约30名儿童, which was established in 2010 to help 的 children of journalists who have been killed since 的 transition to democracy began in 2005. 到目前为止, 这一财政支持为181美元,472 (including administration fees paid to 的 国际铁记者协会).



    创伤e1459397626546 - 414 x265In April and May 2015, Nepal was hit by a serious of devastating earthquakes that left 6,000 dead. 尼泊尔的媒体被迫在临时避难所工作. 通过msf向尼泊尔记者联合会(FNJ)提供财政支持, 为期三天的, trauma and journalism workshop was held to better equip journalists to report during and after natural disasters. 阅读全文 在IFJ亚太网站上.

  • 媒体安全 & 团结基金,2022-23年财务账目


    余额截至七月一日 86,609 68,698
    年内筹集的资金 46,959 159,926
    年内支付的款项 (23,533) (142,015)
    余额截至六月三十日 110,035 86,609

  • 您可以向媒体安全进行安全的在线捐赠 & 通过PayPal的团结基金:


    帐户名称: 新萄京娱乐捐款
    后街男孩: 082-080
    账户号码: 813138058


